Android Lollipop By Chirag Chandnani

Batten down the hatches, smartphone fans. The latest version of Android has been teased at Google's I/O developer conference in San Francisco.

Android L picks up where KitKat left off, as you might have guessed. What L stands for is anyone's guess (no more pudding-based names, apparently), but we do know what to expect from Google's latest mobile operating system update. Here are the highlights:

New design

Out with the old, in with the new. Android L brings in a new visual look that is far cleaner and less cluttered than ever. Google calls the look 'Material Design'. Lame marketing speak aside, bright colours, more depth and new on-screen software buttons should make life easier for all.
Various visual clues to give you a hint as to what does what, while pressing a button on-screen results in rather cool ripples. The new look will be applied to other Google products too, so you'd better start getting used to it.

Project Volta

Most smartphones are seemingly designed to run out the moment you actually need to use them. Luckily, Google's Project Volta is addressing the issue of battery life. Without going into boring coding, clever developers have eked out up to an extra 90 minutes of battery longevity for the Nexus 5 smartphone.
Meanwhile, developers can use a feature called Battery Historian to see which tasks are using up precious power.

Notifications galore

Android was ahead of the curve with a notification system that gives you a lowdown of what has been going on with your phone since you last looked. Now, a new heads-up system that is available from the lock screen looks much neater and more impressive. It's all very 3D ,and a big improvement compared with Android 4.4 KitKat.
Usefully, head-up notifications appear at the top so you can continue your game without interruption. No more moments of anger as your best ever Temple Run score is thwarted.

Smarter unlocking

Ever thought unlocking your phone is tedious? We feel your pain. Therefore, it's good to know Android L is clever enough to know you are at home if you want it to. Great stuff, until you are burgled at home and your phone is in plain sight.
This goes one step further if your Android L device detects a Chromebook nearby, logging you into the latter automatically. Better still, you can see if you receive a text message on your Chromebook, or get a warning if your battery is running low.


The wonders of using depth make multitasking a whole lot easier. Cards that sit in a row (much like files in a filing cabinet) can be accessed easily. Usefully, tabs in Chrome get their own card so you can easily jump between browsing sessions. Potentially a bit messy for those who like to run a million tasks at once, but looks like an improvement all the same.

Google Now search

Search has been made cleverer. Now apps that Android L deem relevant will open up. So, in the case of those arguments with a friend over the year a film was launched, your Android smartphone will spare you a punch-up by loading up IMDb.

More power

Google has made some changes behind the scenes that will make Android L a faster, slicker beast. Supposedly, app animations will now run at a much smoother 60fps, while improved graphics performance will make 3D-heavy games shine just that little bit brighter. The geekier among us will be pleased to know ART is the default runtime, moving on from Dalvik.

Claim back your life

Rather than have two separate phones, one for your personal life and the other for work, Android L builds in something called Android for Work. Essentially one device can have two business and personal data without them getting lumped together. Apparently, the functionality can do its thing without needing to update existing apps.

What is the version number?

Google is yet to say. Is this Android 4.5 or Android 5.0? We will have to wait and see for confirmation. Our money is on the former - but this is a big change, so we may well have to eat our hat.

When is the Android L release date?

The release date for Android L is still being decided, so Mr and Mrs Public will have to wait. Developers, however, can get their mitts on the Android L software development kit (SDK) right now, assuming they have a Nexus 5 smartphone or Nexus 7 tablet.

In the meantime try and guess what the L in Android L stands for. Lollipop?


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